
Speaker: Zach Schlegel

Enduring Faith

September 03, 2023

Waiting is difficult and frustrating. As the days, weeks, and years go by without the...

Flee From Temptation

August 27, 2023

Advertisers would like for us to believe that if we just try their product, order from...

All Things for Good

August 20, 2023

Introduction The catechism reminds us that the chief end of man is to glorify God and...

Jacob Becomes Israel

July 23, 2023

Genesis 35:1-36:43 - Jacob's story reveals God's power amid ups and downs; trust Him...

A Ladder to Heaven

May 21, 2023

Genesis 28:10-22 - Hope for guilty fugitives: Jacob transformed from sinner to pilgrim.

Needless Deceit

May 14, 2023

Genesis 26:34 - 28:9 Isaac and Rebekah’s marriage is on the rocks and the family is...

Hope Beyond the Grave

March 26, 2023

Would you rather attend a birthday party or a funeral? Would you rather stand at the...

The Son of Promise

July 31, 2022

Abraham is an important character in story line of scripture. He is so important that...